Wednesday, February 21, 2018

The US will reportedly deploy attack drones to South Korea after the Olympic Games

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The US will reportedly send attack drones capable of killing North Korean leaders to South Korea within coming months. Preparations for the drones are complete.

Earlier this week US forces confirmed military drills with South Korea will resume after the Olympic Games. Details are expected to be announced around the same time the drones arrive. Not only will the US and South Korea recommence military drills once the Winter Olympic Games wrap up, but the US will deploy attack drones to the Korean Peninsula.

 Twelve attack drones that are capable of zeroing in on North Korean leaders and military targets will be deployed in March or April, Chosun Ilbo reported this week.

The Gray Eagle/MQ-1Cs will be based at the US air base in Kunsan. Chosun reported a hangar has already been built for the drones and support facilities and personnel have arrived at the air base. The Gray Eagle, which has a 18-yard wingspan, can work on a variety of missions including attack, reconnaissance, surveillance and infiltration, as well as provide imagery to ground patrols. Its ability to work in a 248 mile radius means it can fly across nearly all of North Korea.

 This isn't the first time the US has sent attack drones to South Korea. In March 2017, the US began deploying attack drones to counter "provocative actions" by North Korea. In time since, North Korea launched 11 missiles.
 US Forces confirmed on Tuesday that combined military drills will continue "as planned" in South Korea after the Paralympic Games finish in March. It's expected an update will be provided in March or April.

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